A Snippet Of Jomani Moore's Debut Book: Public Enemy President Elect

by Jay Tea at/on 8:40:00 AM

Public Enemy President Elect
The year is 2020 and the US presidency is having a changing of the guard. The current president elected in 2016 is going for reelection.
The Scenario
The date is the first Tuesday of November in 2020 and both presidential candidates are on edge because they are running a tight race.  They both have been invited to try out this new technology which lets people peer into the future up to ten years. The basic concept was to view the future 2 months later to see who would be inaugurated in January. Doing this in the late afternoon on the Election Day would have little to no influence on who voters would elect. Plus the futures viewed would be kept secret until a winner was decided; Feeling pressure that the other one could do it at the last minute and obtain something damning on the other they both felt compelled to go through with it so that at least if would one man’s word against another man’s. The two presidential candidates step out of these chambers similar to those found at a tanning salon. The current president is a little groggier than the Bobby Burns the other candidate. Bobby rises to his feet and immediately bum rushes the closet secret service man grabbing his gun and firing two shots directly at the president.
Robert ‘’Bobby’’ Burns
The opposing candidate is Robert ‘’Bobby’’ Burns a dessert storm veteran. He joined the Military after fifteen years of being an army brat. His father served in Vietnam and as desperate act to finally receive his father’s approval he joined the armed forces. Once his tour was over he became cop while going to school. After eight years of going to school in the morning and the 4 to 12 evening shift he became a lawyer for low income families.  He ended up sitting for local panels eventually running for office as an alderman and a mayor of a small town. You used his influence and power to secure a senate seat where he current resides.
Bobby Burns has been married twice. He met his first wife right after he came out of the military. They got married within eight months of meeting. They had one child a daughter. His second marriage happened as he was serving as an attorney for low income families. His second marriage gave him two children a boy and a girl. He is neck and neck in the polls for the 2020 presidency.
Dr. Alfred Turner
Dr. Turner a Nasa scientist that has more doctorate degrees than any one person has fingers on one hand. He resents being forced into the sciences at such a young age he’d much rather have been a rock guitarist. Dr. Turner has always been an over achiever. Once a child prodigy and now looked at as a burn out, he smokes and buys weed from one of the many graduate college students that he teaches. In 2012 he discovered how time travel could be implemented. On the day in 2012 he solved the equation that time travel is based upon he decides to celebrate with his favorites weed dealer. Dr. Turner still did not have any way of proving that his theory could be proven.  He told all of this to his weed dealing student who after a couple of days of thought the student named Matthew Michaels realized what would be the catalyst to implement time travel. But before Dr. Turner was able to inform his superiors of his invention he was let go.
Matthew Michaels
He sold weed to help his parents pay for his little sister’s hospital bills. His sister was dying of cancer. After Dr. Turner was fired Matthew Michaels was groomed to become a Nasa employee. In 2015 he was finally hired and their plan began to fall into play. In 2016 he rigged a secret panel of a rocket ship that would be visiting the international space station.
How Time travel will be implemented
Once the rocket is out of our atmosphere a force field of energy will be released from the rocket covering the entire globe. The force field will act as a yo yo winding through time  freezing for one minute as it uploaded ten years of information containing all happenings to and of moving and nonmoving particles of matter. Thus once catalogued and analyzes the future will be revealed. After the minute long pause in time the world is repelled back to the present. And the Scientists have the future on a storage drive. The future is in computer code that will be later deciphered.
What actually happened
When the globe yo yoed back through time the rocket ship imploded leaving on trace evidence. Like a magic trick it just poof and disappeared. The unknown mis-happening gained huge media attention at that time. After that   Matthew Michael and Dr. Alfred Turner swore to never reveal the truth as to how time travel was actually made available. To everyone else it would just be a machine that tells futures through mathematical quantum physics of particle matter. The science is so advanced that it would almost never be disproven.
How is the future accessed?
A chamber hooked up to a computer similar to a cat scan will allow for time travel viewing. Once the viewer is strapped into the chamber the computer with analyze the person’s biological particle ID and find it within the global computer code and show them their future up the pre-desired point within ten years from the force field scan. They will view their life from their own point of view (through their own eyes).they will be able to see, process and feel emotions of years within minutes.
The current president
Is sixteen years older than Bobby Burns and has never served in the armed forces. He comes from a very rich family. He only motivated by money and is in a loveless marriage that is just a front for publicity. His wealth allows him to do business and have global connections that aren’t afforded to his opponent plus the connection amnd diplomatic skills he has gained since becoming president in 2017. He is notorious for being secretive about his personal life.  Nobody has been able to find anything damning about him or those he associates with which a small and very selective bunch of people.
What did Bobby Burns See in the future?
Instead of seeing two months in the future he was able to see two years into the future. This was a mistake made the computer operator who set his chamber for January 2023 instead of January 2021. In his vision America was somewhat of a waste land. At the furthest point he was able to see in his vision of the future he was incarcerated in a federal prison awaiting a death sentence by lethal injection on the charge of treason.  He was there for helping a young college student journalist expose the corrupt activities of the current president6 who his reelection campaign. The story unfolds as Bobby Burns is a sour loser and is convinced the election was bought and votes in certain states fell victim to voter fraud. He never had any proof more than a hunch. He started drinking; his wife separated taking the kids. This was due to the strain that came from running for office and after he lost the campaign for presidency he started spiraling out of control. Then in October of 2021 all hell broke loose. Three terror attacks occurred within minutes of each other. The first attack occurred in L.A. the second in Washington D.C. and the last in N.Y.C. At about 6pm on a Friday evening all of the attacks targeted pipe lines from reservoirs which suspended tap water for weeks in certain areas. This caused panic and rioting, putting most large cities in marshal law. As the commander and chief the president declared war against the country found to be responsible. Detention centers were set up to house those who were believed to give domestic assistances to the terrorists. Congress is passing any law that is suggested in the fear of another attack or of being seen as unpatriotic. The president has been a long time invested in military supplies and is going to capitalize on it by distributing government contracts to these companies.  While people are locked away in these detention centers they aren’t working and aren’t paying their mortgage and are losing their homes and businesses A and the president and his investment group are buying up prime real estate by the dozens. Right around the time the majority of the detainees are released in the summer of 2022 Bobby Burns is sobering up and is going to AA meetings regularly when he is accosted by a the young journalist spoken of earlier.  She tells him her brother is dead because of the president and he is the only person she trusts and would be willing to help her prove it. She believes her brother was murdered to shut him up from revealing the truth of what was happening at his job. Her brother worked at a company that the president is a silent invest of with an old college friend. The company is supposed to be finding more greener energy solutions for the government on paper. But they also developed and tested weapons in secret that isn’t that hard to find out, they just don’t advertise it. The kicker is that they manufacture these weapons with foreign materials so that if used it would point to another country. Her brother suspected that they had already done this and on American soil. He got some proof but when he got too close to getting any concrete answers he was murdered. In the next few months they uncover more and more evidence. Once the president gets wind of their snooping instead of killing them out right he decided to plant evidence that they are planning another terror attack and somehow they are tied into the one from before. They are found guilty and are sentenced to death.

To be continued
 And the president didn’t die and Bobby Burns is elected to be the next president of the United States of America


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